Gênero: Western
Ano de Exibição: 1965 - 1967
Episódios: 56
Duração: 45 minutos
Temporada: 02
Produtores: Universal Studios
País de Origem: Estados Unidos
Emissora Original : NBC
Sinopse: A série combinava ação com humor e contava as histórias de três homens da Company B Texas Rangers e um oficial superior deles. O mais velho era conhecido como Reese Bennett e os outros dois eram Chade Cooper e Joe Riley. Nem todos os membros do grupo eram originalmente homens da lei. Todos trabalhavam pelo salário de $40,00, além do todo o equipamento para suas aventuras.
Neville Brand - Reese Bennett
William Smith - Joe Riley
Philip Carey - Capitão Edward Parmalee

1ª temporada
1.Lazyfoot, Where Are You? (Pilot)
2.I See By Your Outfit
4.Rendezvous at Arillo
5.Three's Company
6.Anybody Here Seen Billy?
7.A Question of Discipline
8.The Golden Trail
9.A Matter of Policy
10.Which Way Did They Go?
12.The Land Grabbers
13.Pride of the Rangers
14.The Heroes of San Gill
15.A Medal for Reese
16.The Calico Kid
17.Above the Law
18.That's Noway, Thataway
19.Limit of the Law Larkin
20.Meanwhile, Back at the Reservation
21.The Treasure of San Diablo
22.No Bugles, One Drum
23.Miracle at Massacre Mission
24.It's the End of the Road, Stanley
25.A Very Small Assignment
26.Quarter Past Eleven
27.The Deadliest Kid in the West
28.Sound of Terror
29.The Would-Be Gentleman of Laredo
30.A Taste of Money
2.I See By Your Outfit
4.Rendezvous at Arillo
5.Three's Company
6.Anybody Here Seen Billy?
7.A Question of Discipline
8.The Golden Trail
9.A Matter of Policy
10.Which Way Did They Go?
12.The Land Grabbers
13.Pride of the Rangers
14.The Heroes of San Gill
15.A Medal for Reese
16.The Calico Kid
17.Above the Law
18.That's Noway, Thataway
19.Limit of the Law Larkin
20.Meanwhile, Back at the Reservation
21.The Treasure of San Diablo
22.No Bugles, One Drum
23.Miracle at Massacre Mission
24.It's the End of the Road, Stanley
25.A Very Small Assignment
26.Quarter Past Eleven
27.The Deadliest Kid in the West
28.Sound of Terror
29.The Would-Be Gentleman of Laredo
30.A Taste of Money
2ª temporada
31.The Legend of Midas Mantee
32.Dance of the Laughing Death
33.A Double Shot of Nepenthe
34.Coup de Grace
35.The Land Slickers
37.Any Way the Wind Blows
38.The Sweet Gang
39.One Too Many Voices
40.Road to San Remo
41.Last of the Caesars - Absolutely
42.A Prince of a Ranger
43.Oh Careless Love
44.Leave It to Dixie
45.The Seventh Day
46.Scourge of San Rosa
47.Short, Happy Fatherhood of Reese Bennett
48.The Bitter Yen of General Ti
49.The Other Cheek
50.Enemies and Brothers
51.Hey Diddle Diddle
52.The Small Chance Ghost
53.A Question of Guilt
54.Like One of the Family
55.Walk Softly
56.Split the Difference
32.Dance of the Laughing Death
33.A Double Shot of Nepenthe
34.Coup de Grace
35.The Land Slickers
37.Any Way the Wind Blows
38.The Sweet Gang
39.One Too Many Voices
40.Road to San Remo
41.Last of the Caesars - Absolutely
42.A Prince of a Ranger
43.Oh Careless Love
44.Leave It to Dixie
45.The Seventh Day
46.Scourge of San Rosa
47.Short, Happy Fatherhood of Reese Bennett
48.The Bitter Yen of General Ti
49.The Other Cheek
50.Enemies and Brothers
51.Hey Diddle Diddle
52.The Small Chance Ghost
53.A Question of Guilt
54.Like One of the Family
55.Walk Softly
56.Split the Difference
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