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quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2012

The Beverly Hillbillies - A Família Buscapé

Gênero: Comédia

Ano de Exibição: Set 1962 - 1971

Nº de Episódios: 274 - 106 preto e branco - 1962 - 1965
                                       168 a cores

Duração: 25 minutos

Temporada: 09

Produtor: Paul Henning

País de Origem: Estados Unidos

Emissora Original: CBS

Sinopse: Narrava uma família de caipiras norte-americanos que saem da roça para viveram na luxuosa Beverly Hills. A história começa quando um modesto e simplório fazendeiro chamado Jed, patriarca dos Clampetts, nos cafundós dos Estados Unidos fica milionário da noite para o dia, quando um estranho óleo que jorra em sua terras é detectado pelos técnicos de uma companhia como sendo petróleo e pela sua exploração eles recebem a pequena fortuna de 25 bilhões de dólares.

Toda essa dinheirama não preocupa Jed nem a sua família, mas para dar uma melhor educação a sua filha que já estava se tornando uma mulher madura. Então com a posse do dinheiro, Jed, a sua filha Elly, a sua sogra a “vovó” e um sobrinho seu, fazem as malas, colocam no velho calhambeque e vem para a luxuosa Beverly Hills na Califórnia, onde uma belíssima mansão os aguarda. Os episódios a seguir mostram as hilariantes e divertidas situações em que os simplórios caipiras, agora milionários, encaram e resolvem todos os seus problemas atuais, geralmente da forma mais inusitada, ou seja, à moda da roça.

Eles também passam a ser sediado por um banqueiro ganancioso, que faz de tudo para que a família dos caipiras fique debaixo de sua asa. A maioria dos capítulos envolve a família tentando se ajustar ao modo da cidade, mas no fim acaba vencendo a velha sabedoria de Jed Clampet. Outros episódios narram a vida da filha na escola e perante a sociedade e em muitas cenas mostra a vovó praticando a velha medicina do mato para curar as pessoas de males, que os médicos não conseguem sanar.

Buddy Ebsen - Jed Clampett
Irene Ryan - Vovó Daisy Moses
Donna Douglas - Elly May Clampett
Max Baer Jr - Jethro Bodine
Raymond Bailey - Milburn Drysdale
Nancy Kulp - Jane Hathaway
Harriet E. MacGibbon - Sra Margaret Dysdale
Bea Benaderet - Pearl Bodine
Elvia Allman - Elverna Bradshaw
John Alvin - Harry Barth

1ª temporada
1. The Clampetts Strike Oil
2. Getting Settled
3. Meanwhile, Back at the Cabin
4. The Clampetts Meet Mrs. Drysdale
5. Jed Buys Stock
6. Trick or Treat
7. The Servants
8. Jethro Goes to School
9. Elly's First Date
10. Pygmalion and Elly
11. Elly Races Jethrine
12. The Great Feud
13. Home for Christmas
14. No Place Like Home
15. Jed Rescues Pearl
16. Back to Californy
17. Jed's Dilemma
18. Jed Saves Drysdale's Marriage
19. Elly's Animals
20. Jed Throws a Wingding
21. Jed Plays Solomon
22. Duke Steals a Wife
23. Jed Buys the Freeway
24. Jed Becomes a Banker
25. The Family Tree
26. Jed Cuts the Family Tree
27. Granny's Spring Tonic
28. Jed Pays His Income Tax
29. The Clampetts and the Dodgers
30. Duke Becomes a Father
31. The Clampetts Entertain
32. The Clampetts in Court
33. The Clampetts Get Psychoanalyzed
34. The Psychiatrist Gets Clampetted
35. Elly Becomes a Secretary
36. Jethro's Friend
2ª temporada
37.Jed Gets the Misery
38.Hair-Raising Holiday
39.Granny's Garden
40.Elly Starts to School
41.The Clampett Look
42.Jethro's First Love
43.Chickadee Returns
44.The Clampetts Are Overdrawn
45.The Clampetts Go Hollywood
46.Turkey Day
47.The Garden Party
48.Elly Needs a Maw
49.The Clampetts Get Culture
50.Christmas at the Clampetts
51.A Man for Elly
52.The Giant Jackrabbit
53.The Girl from Home
54.Lafe Lingers On
55.The Race for Queen
56.Lafe Returns
57.Son of Lafe Returns
58.The Clampetts Go Fishing
59.The Critter Doctor
60.A Bride for Jed
61.Granny Versus the Weather Bureau
62.Another Neighbor
63.The Bank Raising
64.The Great Crawdad Hunt
65.The Dress Shop
66.The House of Granny
67.The Continental Touch
68.Jed, Incorporated
69.Granny Learns to Drive
70.Cabin in Beverly Hills
71.Jed Foils a Home Wrecker
72.Jethro's Graduation

3ª temporada
73. Jed Becomes a Movie Mogul
74. Clampett City
75. Clampett City General Store
76. Hedda Hopper's Hollywood
77. Doctor Jed Clampett
78. Jed the Heartbreaker
79. Back to Marineland
80. Teenage Idol
81. The Widow Poke Arrives
82. The Ballet
83. The Boarder
84. The Boarder Stays
85. Start the New Year Right
86. Clampett General Hospital
87. The Movie Starlet
88. Elly in the Movies
89. Dash Riprock, You Cad
90. Clampett A-Go-Go
91. Granny's Romance
92. Jed's Temptation
93. Double Naught Jethro
94. Clampett's Millions
95. Drysdale's Dog Days
96. Brewster's Honeymoon
97. Flatt, Clampett, and Scruggs
98. Jed and the Countess
99. Big Daddy, Jed
100. Cool School is Out
101. The Big Bank Battle
102. The Clampetts Versus Automation
103. Luke's Boy
104. The Brewsters Return
105. Jed, the Bachelor
106.The Art Center

4ª temporada
107.Admiral Jed Clampett
108.That Old Black Magic
109.The Sheik
110.The Private Eye
111.Possum Day
112.The Possum Day Parade
113.The Clampetts Play the Rams
114.The Courtship of Elly
115.A Real Nice Neighbor
116.The Poor Farmer
117.Hoe Down a-Go-Go
118.Mrs. Drysdale's Father
119.Mr. Farquhar Stays On
120.Military School
121.The Common Cold
122.The Richest Woman
123.The Trotting Horse
124.The Buggy
125.The Cat Burglar
126.The Big Chicken
127.Sonny Drysdale Returns
128.Brewster's Baby
129.The Great Jethro
130.The Old Folks Home
131.Flatt and Scruggs Return
132.The Folk Singers
133.The Beautiful Maid
134.Jethro's Pad
135.The Bird Watchers
136.Jethro Gets Engaged
137.Granny Tonics a Birdwatcher
138.Jethro Goes to College

5ª temporada
139. The Party Line
140. The Soup Contest
141. Jethro Takes Love Lessons
142. The Badger Game
143. The Badgers Return
144. The Gorilla
145. Come Back, Little Herby
146. Jed in Politics
147. Clampett Cha Cha Cha
148. Jed Joins the Board
149. Granny Lives It Up
150. The Gloria Swanson Story
151. The Woodchucks
152. Foggy Mountain Soap
153. The Christmas Present
154. The Flying Saucer
155. The Mayor of Bug Tussle
156. Granny Retires
157. The Clampett Curse
158. The Indians Are Coming
159. The Marriage Machine
160. Elly Comes Out
161. The Matador
162. The Gypsy's Warning
163. His Royal Highness
164. Super Hawg
165. The Doctors
166. Delovely and Scruggs
167. The Little Monster
168. The Dahlia Feud

6ª temporada
169. Jed Inherits a Castle
170. The Clampetts in London
171. Clampett Castle
172. Robin Hood of Griffith Park
173. Robin Hood and the Sheriff
174. Greetings from the President
175. The Army Game
176. Mr. Universe Muscles In
177. A Plot for Granny
178. The Social Climbers
179. Jethro's Military Career
180. The Reserve Program
181. The South Rises Again
182. Jethro in the Reserve
183. Cimarron Drip
184. Corn Pone Picassos
185. The Clampetts Play Cupid
186. The Housekeeper
187. The Diner
188. Topless Anyone?
189. The Great Snow
190. The Rass'lin' Clampetts
191. The Great Tag-Team Match
192. Jethro Proposes
193. The Clampetts Fiddle Around
194. The Soap Opera
195. Dog Days
196. The Crystal Gazers
197. From Rags to Riches
198. Cousin Roy

7ª temporada
199. A Bundle for Britain
200. Something for the Queen
201. War of the Roses
202. Coming Through the Rye
203. Ghost of Clampett Castle
204. Granny Goes to Hooterville
205. The Italian Cook
206. The Great Cook-Off
207. Bonnie, Flatt, and Scruggs
208. The Thanksgiving Spirit
209. The Courtship of Homer Noodleman
210. The Hot-Rod Truck
211. The Week Before Christmas
212. Christmas in Hooterville
213. Drysdale and Friend
214. Problem Bear
215. Jethro the Flesh Peddler
216. Cousin Roy in Movieland
217. Jed Clampett Enterprises
218. The Phantom Fifth Floor
219. The Hired Gun
220. The Happy Bank
221. Sam Drucker's Visit
222. The Guru
223. The Jogging Clampetts
224. Collard Greens an' Fatback

8ª temporada
225. Back to the Hills
226. The Hills of Home
227. Silver Dollar City Fair
228. Jane Finds Elly a Man
229. Wedding Plans
230. Jed Buys Central Park
231. The Clampetts in New York
232. Manhattan Hillbillies
233. Home Again
234. Shorty Kellems Moves West
235. Midnight Shorty
236. Shorty Go Home
237. The Hero
238 Our Hero the Banker
239. Buzz Bodine, Boy General
240. The Clampett-Hewes Empire
241. What Happened to Shorty?
242. Marry Me, Shorty
243. Shorty Spits the Hook
244. Three-Day Reprieve
245. The Wedding
246. Annul That Marriage
247. Hotel for Women
248. Simon Legree Drysdale
249. Honest John Returns
250. Honesty is the Best Policy

9ª temporada
251. The Pollution Solution
252. The Clampetts in Washington
253. Jed Buys the Capitol
254. Mark Templeton Arrives
255. Don't Marry a Frogman
256. Doctor, Cure My Frog
257. Do You Elly Take This Frog?
258. The Frog Family
259. Farm in the Ocean
260. Shorty to the Rescue
261. Welcome to the Family
262. The Great Revelation
263. The Grunion Invasion
264. The Girls from Grun
265. The Grun Incident
266. Women's Lib
267. The Teahouse of Jed Clampett
268. The Palace of Clampett San
269. Lib and Let Lib
270. Elly, the Working Girl
271. Elly, the Secretary
272. Love Finds Jane Hathaway
273. The Clampetts Meet Robert Audubon Getty
274. Jethro Returns

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